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Performance Analysis

The following results were all taken with a stationary camera, deferred rendering and at 1080p resolution. The prefab instancing results are from the included PrefabInstancingDemo scene and detail instancing results are from the DetailInstancingDemo scene. All shadows are calculated with 4 cascade, soft shadows.

Asteroid Scene Performance Test

GPU Instancer Prefab Instancing

To test instance rendering only, the rigidbody components were removed, particle effects were disabled and shadows casting is off. All instances have colliders on them except the 500k (Unity max collider limit is 262143). There are 3 asteroid prefabs with two LODs each. Average LOD0 mesh has 750 tris and average LOD1 mesh is 100 tris. The table shows average FPS values for incremental asteroid instance counts. For testing Without GPUI, the Enable GPU Instancing option is enabled on the materials.

Asteroid Count NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M 4GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 1GB
Without GPUI
Avg. FPS
Avg. FPS
Without GPUI
Avg. FPS
Avg. FPS
Without GPUI
Avg. FPS
Avg. FPS
10.000 243 425 171 191 116 181
50.000 41 301 37 121 18 114
100.000 18 234 17 87 8 78
200.000 8 160 8 55 3 48
500.000 3 87 3 26 1 23

Detail Scene Performance Test

The scene has a total of 552.383 vegetation instances and 23 types of vegetation (4 grass textures and 19 plant prefabs - 2 with LOD groups). The results were taken with the first-person camera while stationary. Without GPUI results are default Unity terrain values.

Low Quality: Grass shadowcasting off, Plant shadowcasting off, Grass Billboards
Mid Quality: Grass shadowcasting off, Plant shadowcasting on, 2x Grass Cross-Quads
High Quality: Grass shadowcasting on, Plant shadowcasting on, 4x Grass Cross-Quads

GPU Instancer Prefab Instancing
Detail Quality NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M 4GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 1GB
Without GPUI
Avg. FPS
Avg. FPS
Without GPUI
Avg. FPS
Avg. FPS
Without GPUI
Avg. FPS
Avg. FPS
Low Quality 55 165 40 55 31 43
Mid Quality 125 41 28
High Quality 93 30 18